Terms and Conditions


In these Terms and Conditions of Sale, "Seller" means New Shine Education Technology International Co., Ltd; "Buyer" means the person, firm, company or corporation by whom the order is given.


2.1 All orders must be in writing and are accepted subject to these Terms and Conditions of Sale. No terms or conditions put forward by Buyer and no representations, warranties, guarantees or other statements not contained in Seller's quotation or Acknowledgement of Order nor otherwise expressly agreed in writing by Seller shall be binding on Seller. 2.2 The Contract shall become effective only upon the date of acceptance of Buyer's order on Seller's Acknowledgement of Order form or upon the date of fulfilment of all conditions precedent stipulated in the Contract, whichever is the later (the "Effective Date "). If the details of the Goods described in Seller's quotation differ from those set out in the Acknowledgement of Order Form the latter shall apply. 2.3 No alteration or variation to the Contract shall apply unless agreed in writing by both parties. However, Seller reserves the right to effect minor modifications and/or improvements to the Goods before delivery provided that the performance of the Goods is not adversely affected and that neither the Contract Price nor the delivery date is affected.


3.1 Unless previously withdrawn, Seller's quotation is open for acceptance within the period stated therein or, when no period is so stated, within thirty days after its date. 3.2 Prices are firm for delivery within the period stated in Seller's quotation and are exclusive of (a) Value Added Tax and (b) any similar and other t axes, duties, levies or other like charges arising outside Taiwan in connection with the performance of the Contract. 3.3 Prices (a) are for Goods delivered EXW (Ex works) Seller��s shipping point, exclusive of freight, insurance and handling unless otherwise stated in the Seller's order confirmation.


Payments shall be made wire transfer in advance before shipment . required for all orders. To wire your payment, please contact New Shine Education Technology International Digital Co., Ltd . at +886.4.2317.7938, by fax at +886.4.2317.6701, or e-mail new.shine@msa.hinet.net for our bank details.


6.1 Force Majeure of any kind, unforeseeable production, traffic or shipping disturbances, war, acts of terrorism, fire, floods, unforeseeable shortages of labor, utilities or raw materials and supplies, strikes, lockouts, acts of government, and any other hindrances beyond the control of the party obliged to perform which diminish, delay or prevent production, shipment, acceptance or use of the goods, or make it an unreasonable proposition, shall relieve the party from its obligation to supply or take delivery, as the case may be, as long as and to the extent that the hindrance prevails. If, as a result of the hindrance, supply and/or acceptance is delayed by more than eight weeks, either party shall have the right to cancel the contract. Should the Seller's suppliers fail to supply him in whole or in part , the Seller shall not be under obligation to purchase from other sources. In such cases, the Seller shall have the right to distribute the available quantities among his customers while at the same time taking into account his captive requirements.


7.1 Unless otherwise expressly stated in the Contract, the Goods will be delivered Ex Works to the destination named in the Contract. Risk of loss of or damage to the Goods shall pass to Buyer upon delivery as aforesaid and Buyer shall be responsible for insurance of the Goods after risk has so passed. Delivery terms used in the Contract shall be defined in accordance with the latest version of Incoterms. 7.2 Title to the Goods shall pass to Buyer upon delivery in accordance with Clause 7.1. 7.3 Claims for shortfalls in quantity or for incorrect delivery shall be void if made more than 14 days after receipt by the customer.


8.1 Seller warrants (i) subject to the other provisions of the Contract, good title to and the unencumbered use of the Goods; (ii) that Goods manufactured by Seller and/or Seller Affiliates shall conform with Seller's specifications therefore and be free of defects in materials and workmanship. Seller will make good by the supply of a replacement part or parts, any defects which, under proper use, care and maintenance, appear in Goods of Seller��s Affiliates' manufacture and which are reported to Seller within 12 calendar months after their delivery (the "Warranty Period") and which arise solely from faulty materials or workmanship: provided always that defective items are returned to Seller at Buyer��s cost carriage and insurance prepaid within the Warranty Period. Repaired or replacement items will be delivered by Seller at Seller��s cost to Buyer. Goods replaced in accordance with this Clause 10.1 shall be subject to the foregoing warranty for the unexpired portion of the Warranty Period or for ninety days from the date of their return to Buyer (or completion of correction in the case of Services), whichever expires the later. 8.2 Notwithstanding Clause 8.1, Seller shall not be liable for any defects caused by: fair wear and tear; materials or workmanship made, furnished or specified by Buyer; non-compliance with Seller's storage, installation, operation or environmental requirements; lack of proper maintenance; any modification or repair not previously authorized by Seller in writing. Seller's costs incurred in investigating and rectifying such defects shall be paid by Buyer upon demand. Buyer shall at all times remain solely responsible for the adequacy and accuracy of all information supplied by it. 8.3 Subject to Clause 10.1, the foregoing constitutes Seller's sole warranty and Buyer's exclusive remedy for breach thereof. No representations, warranties or conditions of any kind, express or implied, shall apply as to satisfactory quality, merchantability, fitness for any particular purpose or any other matter with respect to any of the Goods.


Supplier's maximum aggregate liability for any and all losses, liabilities, expenses (including legal expenses), damages, claims or actions incurred under or in connection with a specific order or a particular blanket order (CALL-OFF order) issued, arising in or by virtue of breach of contract, tort (including negligence), misrepresentation, breach of statutory duty, strict liability, infringement of intellectual property rights or otherwise, shall in no circumstances exceed a sum equal to the total price of the Call -Off in question.


11.1 If Seller's obligations under the Contract shall be increased or reduced by reason of the making or amendment after the date of Seller's quotation of any law or any order, regulation or bye-law having the force of law that shall affect the performance of Seller's obligations under the Contract, the Contract Price and delivery period shall be adjusted accordingly and/or performance of the Contract suspended or terminated, as appropriate.


Buyer agrees that all applicable import, export control and sanctions laws, regulations, orders and requirements, as they may be amended from time to time, including without limitation those of the United States, the European Union and the jurisdictions in which Seller and Buyer are established or from which items may be supplied, and the requirements of any licenses, authorizations, general licenses or license exceptions relating thereto will apply to its receipt and use of goods. In no event shall Buyer use, transfer, release, export or re -export any such goods in violation of such applicable laws, regulations, orders or requirements or the requirements of any licenses, authoriz?ations or license exceptions relating thereto. Buyer agrees furthermore that it shall not engage in any activity that would expose the Seller to a risk of penalties under laws and regulations of any relevant jurisdiction prohibiting improper payments, including but not limited to bribes, to officials of any government or of any agency, instrumentality or political subdivision thereof, to political parties or political party officials or candidates for public office, or to any employee of any customer or supplier. Buyer agrees to comply with all appropriate legal, ethical and compliance requirements.


Seller shall be entitled, without prejudice to any other rights it may have, to cancel the Contract forthwith, wholly or partly, by notice in writing to Buyer, if (a) Buyer is in default of any of its obligations under the Contract and fails, within 30 (thirty) days of the date of Seller's notification in writing of the existence of the default, either to rectify such default if it is reasonably capable of being rectified within such period or, if the default is not reasonably capable of being rectified within such period, to take action to remedy the default or (b) on the occurrence of an Insolvency Event in relation to Buyer. "Insolvency Event" in relation to Buyer means any of the following: (i) a meeting of creditors of Buyer being held or an arrangement or composition with or for the benefit of its creditors being proposed by or in relation to Buyer; (ii) a chargeholder, receiver, administrative receiver or similar person taking possession of or being appointed over or any distress, execution or other process being levied or enforced (and not being discharged within seven days) on the whole or a material part of the assets of Buyer; (iii) Buyer ceasing to carry on business or being unable to pay its debts; (iv) Buyer or its directors or the holder of a qualifying floating charge giving notice of their intention to appoint, or making an application to the court for the appointment of , an administrator; (v) a petition being presented (and not being discharged within 28 days) or a resolution being passed or an order being made for the administration or the winding-up, bankruptcy or dissolution of Buyer; or (vi) the happening in relation to Buyer of an event analogous to any of the above in any jur?isdiction in which it is incorporated or resident or in which it carries on business or has assets. Seller shall be entitled to recover from Buyer or Buyer's representative all costs and damages incurred by Seller as a result of such cancellation, including a reasonable allowance for overheads and profit (including but not limited to loss of prospective profits and overheads).


14.1 No waiver by either party with respect to any breach or default or of any right or remedy and no course of dealing, shall be deemed to constitute a continuing waiver of any other breach or default or of any other right or remedy, unless such waiver be expressed in writing and signed by the party to be bound. 14.2 If any clause, sub-clause or other provision of the Contract is invalid under any statute or rule of law, such provision, to that extent only, shall be deemed to be omitted without affecting the validity of the remainder of the Contract. 14.3 Buyer shall not be entitled to assign its rights or obligations hereunder without the prior written consent of Seller. 14.4 Seller enters into the Contract as principal. 14.5Buyer agrees to look only to Seller for due performance of the Contract.14.6 The headings to the Clauses and paragraphs of the Contract are for guidance only and shall not affect the interpretation thereof. 14.7 All notices and claims in connection with the Contract must be in writing.